Cellulite: The Worst Enemy Of Beauty

What is cellulite?

Cellulite is one of the most common cosmetic problems among women – almost every third woman suffers from the much-hated orange skin. Perhaps it is at these moments that all women envy men who do not know cellulite. The reason for this is simple. In women, fat tissue in the thighs and hips is a kind of storage for the breastfeeding period. It is in this area that the largest amount of fat cells accumulate, which are essential for the normal course of pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding. At some point, however, these much-needed fat cells of the female body can turn into the cellulite particles that deform the female body.

Cellulite is a condition in which, as a result of a decrease in the elasticity and strength of connective tissue fibers between fat cells, the latter appear on the surface of the skin in the form of an uneven, rough relief. The reasons that can lead to deformation and weakness of the connective tissue in the skin area are numerous. Most often, however, it is a matter of a violation in microcirculation, as a result of which elastic fibers lose their flexibility and relax, which allows fat cells to increase in size and appear on the skin surface.

How does cellulite develop?

The accumulation of free radicals in the skin leads to the oxidation of collagen fibers and the loss of their flexibility. The lack of sufficient physical exercise, the stagnant lifestyle, the constitutional features of the skin, improper nutrition and excess fat, and last but not least, estrogens are also important. Female hormones favor the growth of fat cells and their transformation into fat depots, the predilection place of which are the thighs and hips.

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